Thursday, December 22, 2011

101 Sayings of Prophet (PBUH)

Do you know:
  • What is the difference between the living and the dead?
  • The signs of a hypocrite?Who has the most perfect faith?
  • What the major sins are?What continues to benefit us after we die?
  • Which is the best form of charity?What is the most excellent struggle?
  • Which are the best and worst houses?
  • What two things you need to guard to get to paradise? - How to control anger?
  • What five things you must take advantage of? - How to rescue yourself from God’s punishment?
  • Which is the most important quality to look for in a spouse?
Find out what prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has to say about these and other issuesby reading this booklet.

Click Here to Download Book

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