Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Your Questions are vacant to Answer...?

WE serve you better...
Inshalla we provide you the answers of your questions according to Quran, Sunnah and Hadith...


  1. Aoa. Dear Mr. Scholar would you help me and tell me if I am like a dictator at training, i feel that i am very friendly. If I become lenient people take advantage and I want people to learn and take this training as an opportunity in their professional career. I want them to remember me in the long run as a good person and senior trainer. Pl suggest if i am doing my job right or should i stop caring and just do what people wnat to do at training. Pl guide.

  2. Dear Sirster!
    Aslamo Alykum!
    First of all I am very thankful to Allah Who give me a chance to serve the humanity and provide them the solution of their problems according to Quran & Hadith. You are welcome in the Question and Answer session.
    Sister Your Question is your lenient method of teacher with the people is right or wrong?
    Your teaching style as you said is very good and also purely according to the islamic rules because When Muhammad (PBUH) preach/teach people, He also make everlasting relations and people also remember Him in the long run. You are doing an excellent Job. please carry on…

    Take Care
    Allah Hafiz
    Little Angles (Islamic Scholars)

  3. Plz Tell me the true meaning of Islam...?

  4. We are about 5 best friends. All are very kind, loving and caring except one. He always try to make fun of all, he discourage us, he always try to creat class between the rest of students

    Mr Scholar!
    Plz tell me what is our behaviour for him being muslim? We also discourage him or we have soft corner for him also show love, kindness and care for him.

  5. Dear Izaz Bhai!
    Aslamo Alykum!
    Welcome to you in the Question & Answer Session. Insha I try my level best to answer you according to Islam but God Knows better than us.
    You ask the Question What is Islam?
    Islam is an Arabic word which derived from "Salam" means Peace in urdu "Salamti". The basic idea behind the islamic values is Peace. Only Islam preach for Universal Brotherhood. All Muslims are brother in all over the World which also direct to peace...

  6. Dear Imran Bhai!
    Aslamo Alykum!
    Welcome to you in the Question & Answer Session. Insha I try my level best to answer you according to Islam but God Knows better than us.
    You ask the Question What we behave to the person who is not sincere with us?

    The re-action of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) with those people who are not sincere with him is very nice, cooperative. Muhammad (PBUH) always pray for them. We care those who care for us it is better but we care those who dont care is the best.
    So your behavior must be loving, caring and kind because days come when he must think that i am wrong because of your behavior...

  7. Dear Brother!
    I am Muslim but lived in Posh society where girls wear trousers, jeans, pent shirts, mini etc. But i wear islamic address but they laugh at me also discourage me that i am belong to a village. Please in this snario what can i do for them as well as for me...? Sujjest me according to Islamic Values

  8. Muslim Sister!
    Aslamo Alykum, First of all sorry to late answer due to some personal problem. Any way In-Sha-Allah i try my level best to provide you people answers as early as possible according to Quran & Hadith...

    Dear Sister! I repeat your questin that how i servive in this modern society...
    The answer is that always act upon the rules of islam, don't thing what other comment you... Always preach them the islamic values and pray for their "Hidayat".
    yOU only tell them the principles of Islam. In ground reality the "Hidayat" is from God.

  9. AOA I am a non name is sidra shan.i want to ask that nowadays bomb blast are common in pakistan by muslin brothers.according to Islam tell me is ir right or wrong?

  10. Dear Sister!
    Aslamo Alykum! Thanks for joining muslim community. First of all i tell you that it is not dead sure that these are Muslims. If they are called Muslim then by Lable they are muslim, in reality they are away from Islamic Values. Islam Preach the lesson of Peace and we being muslim must follow the preaching of islam. In Quran, Allah said (Mafhoom) "If you commit murder one human being then you murdered the the Humanity and if you save life of one human being then you save the Humanity"
    Now in the light of this Quranic Verse, They are totally wrong.

  11. there are lot of unethical sites available on the internet.
    some of them automatically open when we explorer any site.
    we don't like to view these sites but these are automaticlly explorer in over borwser.
    how we protect ourslves from these sites.


  12. Dear Brother!
    Aslamo Alykum!
    Thanks for joining me in the blog. Your problems Inshalla always are welcome to answer. I feel pleasure to answer the questions.
    The problem which you discuss here is very common and also we find the solution of this problem from the life of Holly Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Muhammad (PBUH) said that (MAFHOOM) if you view Gair-Mehram (for men any women other than your sister, mother, wife and blood Anti from mother and father. For women any man other than her brother, father, husband and blood uncle from mother and father)just drop down your eyes. Don't see her/him again. First view is not sin but if you view again second time it is sin.
    In the light of this Hadith, if you close this window as it is appeared then it is not sin. on the other hand if you view again and again it is sin for you...

  13. Aslamo Alikum
    Dear Brother being Muslim what is the scop of Valentine Day?

  14. Dear Brother Aslamo Alikum!
    The Valentine Day is purely a Non-Islamic Celebration Day. Islamic does not allow these types of tradations. The concept of Love in islam is that
    "Love for God"
    "Love for Muhammad (PBUH)"
    "Love for Parents"
    "Love for Spouse" Not before merriage, but after merriage.
    "Love for Children"
    and there is no place of love for Friendship with opposit sex.
    In simple Words friendship for a girl to a boy or for a boy to girl is not allowed in Islam...

  15. sir my name is sam i want to ask u a Ques
